
2024’s last Mercury retrograde is finally over: THESE 3 zodiac signs, get ready to hit the lottery!

Dec 17, 2024 05:53 PM Ready to win the lottery? Well 2024’s final Mercury retrograde ensures big wins for three zodiac signs in particular who can heave a sigh of abundant relief Late last week, on December 15, the fourth and final Mercury retrograde of 2024 came to a conclusion. The Mars retrograde in Leo, which will continue into 2025, may still be going strong, but first off, we would like to congratulate you for surviving (and hopefully, thriving!) through the entire year and it’s periodically ticking retrogrades. Now for most, this spells yet another routine end to Mercury gleefully back spinning time and time over, potentially wreaking some spiritual havoc when it comes to its representative themes of communication, the mind and intellect. For a lucky few, there’s a silver lining at the end of the recurring periods of rebirth. Three signs in particular are winning the spiritual lottery in the final push of 2024, right before the New Year descends upon us. 2024’s last Mercury retrograde ends, spelling out lottery-win adjacent moments for THESE lucky zodiac signs(Photos: X, ock) Gemini2024’s lineup of retrogrades has truly (and maybe even royally) messed around with their relationship sector. In fact, the impact might have been significant enough to even spill into their social lives in a palpable manner. Nonetheless, the constant routine of seeing true colours and in response, setting their own boundaries, will now gift Geminis with clarity. They will definitely go back to feeling more like the true social butterfly, albeit this time with their armour in place. SagittariusIf Geminis have received clarity on the relationship front, for Sagittarians, the clarity comes in the ambit of themselves. The biggest realisation to dawn on them then is going to be prioritising themselves. Even in situations that feel like it’s them against the world, Sagittarians are going to be tapping into their self-reliance, something that will definitely make the ordeals significantly less trying. After all, you gotta have your own back! CapricornHello darkness, my old friend? Loneliness is something that keeps washing back up at recurring periods, often hitting Capricorn like a tonne of bricks which came out of nowhere. But for them, this year has been all about finding and feeling the peace in the silence which has been there all along. This last Mercury retrograde may have been a little harsher when it comes to these same set of feelings, but Capricorns will be bidding goode to 2024 switching out the need for external validation with internal fulfillment. If it feels right, it IS right! Ready to reap your rewards? See more News / HTCity / 2024’s last Mercury retrograde is finally over: THESE 3 zodiac signs, get ready to hit the lottery!

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