
Kids write note to woman about ‘strange man’ in her home. Story has a cute tw | Trending

Children can often surprise grown -ups their kind actions. This sweet post shared on Reddit tells the story of a group of kids and their thoughtful gesture towards their neighbour. The post has struck a chord with many and is likely to warm your heart as well. What’s more, it has a rather delightful tw that will even leave you chuckling.“My mom has a lot of kids on her street and they put this note on her door after seeing my dad go into her house,” reads the post shared along with a picture. The note, written three children, based on the three different handwritings on the letter, is intended to simply if the woman is alright.(Also Read: Puppy’s humans gift her a new Chrmas sweater. Watch her priceless reaction)“Ms. Karren we saw a strange man walk in your house, and we would like to know if you are OK. If you are then text my mom,” reads the note, followed a phone number which is has been removed. The letter also mentions who it is from – mentioning the name of their “gang”.The post ends with a note from the Redditor who shared it. “My parents don’t live together, and my dad does look strange lol,” they mentioned as a rather funny tw.Take a look at the entire Reddit post.

Isn’t that just adorable? Well, people on Reddit sure think so. Several people have shared their reactions to the gesture. “This is so great! What a sweet group of kids!” wrote an individual. “That is precious! I got a kick out of your note about your dad!” added another. “The youth neighborhood watch patrol, making sure that someone who is an inspiration to them is ok” reads part of comment from a third. To this, an individual added, “I want to believe they investigate crimes and solve mysteries.”(Also Read: Kid wows co-passengers on train with his classical music performance. Watch)In case you’re wondering how the Redditor’s parents reacted to the incident, here are comments shared about what they felt. “From my mom: I heard knocking on my door and when I went to answer no one was there but this message was attached to the door. I went out and saw five kids standing in my neighbors yard and I said did y’all put this here and they said yes ma’am and they said we saw a strange man going into your house and we got worried if you were OK. I just thought it was the sweetest thing ever,” they added. As for their dad, “he thought it was awesome.”

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