Man receives Crime Master Gogo’s portrait on WhatsApp with a hilarious tw | Trending
Are you a 90’s kid? Chances are, the name Crime Master Gogo brings a smile to your face. It is an iconic character from the film Andaz Apna Apna played Shakti Kapoor. Though the protagons of the film, Aamir Khan and Salman Khan, gave memorable performances, it is Kapoor’s hilarious portrayal of this character that has turned it into an unforgettable one. Every now and then, people also share various posts related to Crime Master Gogo, and the latest one comes in the form of a portrait. A Twitter user named Arjun shared how he received a portrait of the character but with a hilarious tw.”The best thing I’ve received on WhatsApp with a “forwarded” tag,” he wrote while posting the image. The image shows the character’s portrait edited in Van Gogh’s style. However, the line written below the picture has left people chuckling. “Crime Master Gogh Gogh,” it reads.Take a look at the post:
The tweet was shared on January 4. Since being posted, the share has accumulated more than one lakh views and the numbers are also increasing. Additionally, the share has gathered more than 3,200 likes. People posted various comments while reacting to the tweet.Here’s how people reacted:“Hysterical!!” wrote a Twitter user. “Suno suno duniya ke logon, sabse bada hai mer Gogh Gogh,” joked another. “This deserves to be framed in the Kapoor household,” expressed a third and tagged Shraddha Kapoor, Shakti Kapoor’s daughter. “Love it,” posted a fourth. Many shared their reactions through laughing out loud emoticons.
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