
Snowboarder shares video of him caught in an avalanche. Watch hair-raising video | Trending

Deutsche Welle | Trisha Sengupta

Snowboarding amid prine snow and beautiful surroundings is an amazing wintertime experience many enjoy. Snowboarder Blake Nielson was doing just that but the situation quickly changed to scary when he was swept up in an avalanche in Kessler Peak. Thankfully, he came out of the situation without any grave injuries. And now, he has taken to YouTube to share a video of himself caught up in the avalanche as the whole incident was captured on his helmet camera.He also took to the Utah Avalanche Center’s site to share his experience about the incident that took place on January 8. “I descended first and dropped into the hanging bowl, after making a heel side turn, an isolated wind slab broke loose below and above me which knocked me off my feet and took me for a ride. I was able to keep the majority of my body above the snow and was able to radio my partner that I was sliding with the debris. I made swimming motions with my arms and kicked my board to help keep me on top. After about 300 feet, I was able to slow down and stop, while the rest of the debris released below me. After regrouping, we descended the debris. The slope slid about 1,300 feet,” he shared about the incident.Take a look at the video:

Since being posted on YouTube, the video has accumulated more than 4,700 views. People have re-shared it across other social media platforms too. What are your thoughts on the video? Did it leave you scared?

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