
UK art turns waste container into a home to save on rent | Trending

As living costs continue to rise, rental prices in many areas are going through the roof. Thus, to secure an affordable place to live, an art named Harrison Marshall decided to convert a waste container into a home. Yes, you read it right! He even shared pictures of his skip house on social media with the caption, “SKIP HOUSE: Living in a skip for 1 year, in Central London.” Not just this, he also kept a ‘skip housewarming’ party, and many showed up at the event. For those unaware, skip is a large, open metal container that is used to store waste.

Harrison Marshall posing with his tiny new home.(Instagram/@theskiphouse)

According to Harrison Marshall’s Instagram bio, he co-founded Caukin Studio, a design and construction social enterprise. He added that he lives in a skip house in Central London, one that he built out of a waste container.The art even created an Instagram page, Skip House, where he documents his life inside the skip. Marshall shared that ‘the project is about living for less’ in London. He also expressed that the project lies between ‘installation art and performance art’.Sharing details about his life inside the skip, the art added that he ‘showers at work and at the gym. ’ He also shared that the ‘toilet is in a portaloo’ in the corner of the site. He also gave a quick house tour, and the interiors have impressed many. It has everything from a gas stove to a bed.A few days ago, the art even gave a sneak peek of his life inside the skip house. The video opens to show him making food, doing dishes, and working from his home office.According to The Mirror, Marshall’s new home conss of a standard eight-yard skip with an insulated timber frame and a barrel roof. The skip has been provided at £50 a month, while the initial cost of building the house was £4,000. He told the publication, “No-one should have to live in a skip. That’s definitely not the way that I want this project to go. It’s more of a statement.”

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