
Man says he sold family heirloom to pay for ‘lavish wedding’ | Trending

For many people, family heirlooms are one of those prized possessions that have been passed down from generation to generation. While several people keep such artifacts close to their hearts, some may even chose to sell it. Just like this Redditor who sold his family heirloom to pay for his ‘lavish wedding.’

A man said he sold him family heirloom to pay for his wedding. (Unsplash.)

The Redditor shared that he wants to ‘have quite a lavish wedding at a winery.’ Despite him and his fiancé having stable jobs, the cost of their dream wedding exceeded their limit. So, to pay for the expenses, the man decided to sell the family heirloom, which his father passed down to him.
“My father passed away in January, and in his will, he left me a very valuable (think five figures) family heirloom. I’m not much for big family traditions, so although it’s a nice thing to have, I’m not massively attached to it. I have plenty of other good memories of my father, and I don’t need a fancy heirloom to remember him . My brother (34M), however, is a huge hory nerd and is really really attached to it. He was very upset my father’s decision in the will (the reason it went to me and not to him is that this has been traditionally passed to first-born sons). My fiancée and I don’t plan to have children, and I think he assumed, therefore, that he (or his children) would be in line to get it if I were to pass away,” wrote the Redditor in his post.
He further added that after a discussion with his fiance, they decided to sell the heirloom, which made his brother furious. “My brother, who is also my best man, was furious when he found out and said he wanted nothing to do with the wedding anymore. He thinks my wife-to-be and I are behaving like spoiled brats. In addition, he convinced my uncle and cousins not to come to the wedding either. With our parents having passed away, this means that virtually none of my family will attend the wedding, which I’m really upset about,” shared the Redditor.
Take a look at his post below:

This post was shared just a few days ago. Since being shared, it has been upvoted over 5,000 times. Many people also shared their thoughts in the comments and slammed the Redditor for selling the family heirloom.Take a look at a few reactions below:An individual wrote, “This is one of those situations where what’s legal and what’s moral come apart. Legally, it’s Op’s property, and he is free to dispose of it as he sees fit. However, morally speaking, most people would consider family heirlooms as belonging to the family, even though the law doesn’t recognize such things, and the current possessor is more like a caretaker of the item, in trust for future generations.”A second added, “Technically, you can sell it because it’s yours but YTA for caring more about a ridiculously lavish wedding that will break the bank than you do for your relationship with your brother or your dad’s tradition. If your dad had known that you were going to sell it, he would have left it to your brother. I hope your lavish wedding is worth it to you.””Nailed it. Also, OP, I have had so many better days in my marriage than my wedding day, and a lot of them were free. You are selling a piece of your family’s hory and estranging your family for one event. Stop being extremely shortsighted; the world does not revolve around you,” posted a third.

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