
Whale comes dangerously close to a man. Watch chilling video | Trending

Are you someone who enjoys watching things from the wild? From getting to know about wild animals’ behaviour to their close encounters with humans, such content intrigues many people. And if you also happen to be interested in them, you cannot miss out on this video of a whale coming close to a man who is sitting in a boat in the middle of an ocean.

Whale comes close to a man,(Reddit/@ SinjiOnO)

“Beautiful moment when a friendly Whale suddenly appears and says hi – Puerto Madryn, Argentina,” wrote Reddit user SinjiOnO. The clip shows a man on a boat. As he is deep inside the water, a whale comes close to it and swims around him. Then, once the whale moves away from him, he quickly rows his boat and moves away from the whale.
Watch the video below:

This post was shared just a few hours ago. Since being shared, it has been liked over 40,000 times. Many have also come commented on the clip.Check out a few reactions here:An individual wrote, “I’d’ve totally belly-rubbed it, probably even going into an inappropriately high-pitched ‘whose a good boy, yes, you are’ to a schoolbus-sized animal.” A second added, “People were showing it their paddle. Whale showed them its paddles.” “Yeah! As they were leaving one of the whales looked to be waiving goode. Once in a lifetime experience right here,” wrote a third.

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