
Pic of ‘headless’ man in jacket baffles people | Trending

Optical illusions challenge your perception and understanding of reality. They make you see something that is not really there unless you understand what is actually happening in an image or a video. Also, not to forget that they are absolutely entertaining. If you are someone who loves optical illusions, then here is one that will leave you scratching your head. It is an image that shows a man in a jacket sitting on a seat. However, it looks like the man is headless. The optical illusion of a ‘headless’ man has left people scratching their heads. (Reddit/@zaferemre) ‘Just a guy wearing a hoodie,” reads the caption posted along with the optical illusion. The image shows the man sitting inside what appears to be public transportation. At first look it looks like he is sitting upright the window with his hands in the pockets of his jacket. See how long it takes you to find what is happening in the image shared on Reddit: Did your heart skip a beat after seeing the picture? Did the image leave you baffled? Well, you’re not the only one, there were many who expressed similar reactions to the image. A few also shared how they reached the solution.Here’s how Reddit users reacted to the optical illusion picture of the man:“Ohhhhh it’s his head laying to the side, not a collar. Took me a while, this is a good one!” posted a Reddit user. “I had a hard time seeing it too. You see that strip that looks like a stiff collar? That’s actually the left side of his hood. His head is leaned to his right and the top of his head is pointing towards the glass so you only see the left side of the hood from this angle,” explained another. “Indeed, this is a good one!” joined a third. “All I can see is literally a headless man. What is this sorcery?” joked a fourth. “At first I thought I was seeing his head reflected in the glass, but I don’t think so. I can understand that his head is in a hoodie and tilted far to the side….so much so that the side of his head looks like the jacket collar. So, is the guy in the glass on the other side of said glass? Has to be, huh?” wrote a fifth.Since being shared a few years ago, the post has gone viral. Till now, it has accumulated close to 59,000 upvotes and the numbers are still increasing. What are your thoughts on the optical illusion? How many tries did it take you to finally understand what’s happening in the image?

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