
Watch: Just Stop Oil activs blocked counter-protestors | Trending

Environmental activ group, Just Stop Oil, faced a tough day on the streets of London while preparing to slow march in Elephant & Castle. A human chain of counter-protestors blocked them. This comes after the group has been in the headlines for months over the tactics they have been employing, such as throwing soup on paintings and disrupting play at Wimbledon, to urge the British government to end new fossil fuel licensing and production. Counter-protestors making a human chain around Just Stop Oil activs.(Twitter/@JustStop_Oil) “BREAKING: Just Stop Oil met with counter-protest. Supporters of Just Stop Oil were met with a counter-protest while preparing to slow march in Elephant & Castle, but after explaining their reasoning for demanding an end to new oil and gas, the counter-protesters dispersed,” reads the caption of the video shared on Twitter page Just Stop Oil. The video shows Just Stop Oil protestors sitting on the ground surrounded the human chain, made up of counter-protesters wearing same-coloured t-shirts with ‘Just Stop Pissing Everyone Off’ written on them. The activs can be heard explaining why they are protesting. One of the activs says over a loudspeaker, “Yesterday I was arrested for peacefully protesting on the road, but I am back down here today because it is our democratic right to do so, and we know that disruption isn’t comfortable, but it is necessary, and we meet this circle of people around us. And we do agree about the same things, except that we have that sense of urgency that when you see a house on fire, you are not going to ask permission from the people inside to call the fire rescue. You are just going to do it. And that’s what Just Stop Oil does.” The counter-protesters were not holding people hostage, and when they learned about the group’s demands, they dispersed, allowing Just Stop Oil to continue their march. Watch the video shared on Twitter here: Since being shared on July 20, the video has accumulated over 1.2 lakh views, and the numbers are still increasing. Many even shared their thoughts in the comments section.Here’s how people reacted to the viral video:“Keep going guys. Exercise your right,” posted an individual. Another added, “This is what we need, counter protesters starting a conversation and asking and lening! Thank you so much for your initiatives, courage and visibility!” “Ordinary people unite,” expressed a third. A fourth commented, “Great job guys.” “You’re tugging at my heart strings,” shared a fifth. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Arfa Javaid is a journal working with the Hindustan Times’ Delhi team. She covers trending topics, human interest stories, and viral content online. …view detail

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