
Bengaluru start-up fires 18 employees, sparks Twitter debate | Trending

When a Bengaluru start-up founder had to take the difficult decision of firing 18 of his employees, he took to Twitter to share his ordeal. In one of the tweets he also added that he will be happy to share the profiles of the people who he fired to help them find new jobs. However, his tweet has garnered several mixed reactions from netizens. A startup founder had to fire 18 employees.(Unsplash) Sambhav Jain, the founder of the company Fam, shared that he had to fire 18 employees and that this decision was not easy for him. He also shared, “Given the shift in focus of the company from hyper-growth to sustainability, we wouldn’t have been able to provide these people with a role in the company that could justify their personal growth, could fuel the fire to their passion, and most importantly joy at work.” “We have all the compassion for them and are confident that these people will build amazing things wherever they go, and wish everyone the best in life. If you’re looking to hire people in EPD and Growth functions, please DM. Will be happy to share and refer relevant profiles,” wrote Jain at the end of his tweets. Take a look at his tweets here: This post was shared on August 2. Since being posted, the primary has been viewed more than 90,000 times. The share has also been liked more than 200 times. Many even took to the comments section to express their views on it. Several had mixed reactions on his decision of firing employees.Here’s what people had to say:An individual wrote, “It’s part of the game bhai. Only founders could understand how it is.” A second added, “More power to all of you. Wishing them and the entire team of yours a more successful and blissful journey ahead. Regards, prayers, best wishes & lots of good energy for all of you. Keep Going.” A third shared, “It’s going to get better bro, rooting for you.”In contrast, someone said, “Is it fair to expect passion from your team when they can get laid off for no fault of theirs? And then build the same passion for their next role? Commenting on the overuse of ‘passion’ in corporate.” Another shared, “Overhiring karte hi kyu ho jab sambhal nai skte. These polished tweets don’t justify the reason. Passionate team bhi chaiye, layoff bhi karna hai. Also, Companies are ready to give 30, 50, 100% hike to new employees, but the employee who worked passionately gets- ‘You have been fired!'” A third posted, “What hypocrisy! A so-called people-first company fires people during difficult situations. Could you brief what other actions you have taken before reaching to this decision? How much pay cut you have taken yourself?”

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