
Dog fakes limp until pet mom takes him where he wants to go. Watch | Trending

A dog has left people impressed with his superb acting skills. A video shared on Instagram shows how the dog pretends to limp to convince his pet mom to take him to the place where he wants to go. What makes the video funnier is the instant change in the dog’s walking style once he realises that he has become successful in convincing his human. The image shows a dog walking with his pet mom. (Instagram/@raylan_the_dog) The video is posted on an Instagram page dedicated to the dog named Raylan. A descriptive caption posted along with the video starts with a line that reads, “And the Oscar for most dramatic dog actor goes to.” “Raylan sometimes decides he doesn’t want to keep going on a walk (sometimes we’re going in the wrong direction, or in case if it’s raining – he hates walking in the rain!) so he suddenly starts to act like he’s sore and old, so I’ll feel sorry for him and go back where we came from. But as soon as we’re going where he wants to go, suddenly he’s pulling on the leash and full of energy! Sneaky liar! It also makes me look like a really bad dog owner when people are around. Luckily he only does it occasionally,” the caption further reads. In the next few lines, Raylan’s pet mom also explains, “Raylan has struggled with arthritis, but we now have it very well controlled with multiple supplements and medications and 95% of the time you’d think he’s a much younger dog with no issues! But he remembers how I would react when he used to get sore (for real) and uses it to his benefit.” “Possibly the smartest dog in the world?” the pooch’s pet mom asked at the end of the caption. After seeing Raylan’s video, you will agree that he indeed is the smartest. Take a look at the video of this clever dog: The video was shared six days ago. Since then, the clip has accumulated more than one million views, and the numbers are still increasing. The share has also collected tons of comments from people. What did Instagram users say about this dog video?“That is hilarious. We look after a dog that does that and sometimes she forgets which side she should be limping on and switches sides,” posted an Instagram user. “Wow he’s not even subtle about it he’s just saying I won!” shared another. “WOW! I was really getting upset that you would force this guy to walk. I apologise and have been completely bamboozled your Oscar nominee,” added a third. “Oh gosh, Chrie does the same thing! Now I’m onto her and her sneakiness though!! Lol,” wrote a fifth. “Exciting news! Hindustan Times is now on WhatsApp Channels Subscribe today clicking the link and stay updated with the latest news!” Click here!

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