20 lions sneak up on a giraffe drinking water. Watch what it does next | Trending

There are several animal videos that leave us stunned. Among such clips, a video showing how a giraffe had a narrow escape from 20 lions is going viral on social media. This incident took place in Xai Xai, Botswana and was recorded a 28-year-old self-employed entrepreneur David Sher. It was shared on the YouTube channel Latest Sightings. Snapshot of the lions running behind the giraffe. (YouTube/@Latest Sightings) Sher told Latest Sightings, “During our drive to the Xai Xai Campsite, where we were set to spend the night, we found ourselves driving along a sandy road the river. We didn’t have much hope at the time of spotting anything, but that’s when we stumbled upon a pride of lions—a pleasant surprise!” He further added, “It was a very serene few hours spent observing their routine, from waking to quenching their thirst and leisurely strolling. But the calmness was soon disrupted as they spotted the giraffe. The change in their pace was instant. They went from lazily walking to laser-focused stalking, slipping into hunting mode!” (Also Read: Lion sneaks up on a hyena eating its meal. Watch) The video shows lions slowly walking towards the giraffe. Meanwhile, the giraffe, who is unaware of the presence of the lions, enjoys drinking water. Then, within a second, the lions increase their speed and run towards the giraffe. Once the animal spots the group running towards it sprints in the opposite direction to save itself. Watch the video of the giraffe running away from the lions here: This post was shared on November 7. Since being posted, it has been viewed more than one lakh times. The share also has several likes and comments. Here’s what people are saying about this video:An individual wrote, “Ha! I knew as soon as it started running it would leave the lions in its dust.” A second shared, “That was a good attempt from those Lions. Nice footage.” A third commented, “Judging its dark colouring and how slowly it was moving, this must be quite an old giraffe. Luckily it managed to escape the lions, and the lions were unlucky because that thing would have fed them for a whole week.” “I was waiting for one of the lions to sweep the leg,” posted a fourth. “Exciting news! Hindustan Times is now on WhatsApp Channels Subscribe today clicking the link and stay updated with the latest news!” Click here!