
Flames and smoke engulf room after e-bike battery catches fire. Watch | Trending

A video shared on Instagram shows the terrifying scene after an e-bike battery caught fire. In the video, a room is seen filled with flames and smoke. The clip is shared on an Instagram page which is dedicated to Surat. The image shows a room filled with smoke and flames after an e-bike battery blast. (Screengrab) “Battery had a blast when charging. Don’t make the make of charging the electric bike battery at home and see the results,” reads the caption posted along with the video on Instagram. Hindustan Times – your fastest source for breaking news! Read now. The Instagram video opens to show smoke coming out from a corner of a room, followed a blast. At that very moment, fire starts engulfing the room. The man recording the scene is heard screaming and also checking up on another family member. The video is now being re-shared across various social media platforms. The Instagram video was posted six days ago. Since then, the clip has gone viral with over 16.4 million views. The video has further accumulated tons of comments from people. While some shared how the scene left them horrified, others blamed the person for charging an e-bike battery inside his house. A few also wanted to know why the man was recording a video instead of running away. An Instagram user Avani Zaveri Makwana took to the comments section and claimed she is a relative of the man in the video. She also added an explanation to satiate the curiosity of the Instagram users. “Guys, this is actually an original video from my brother-in-law’s place. He started the video before the blast. He recorded it to show the battery company that some weird noises were coming from it. When he was shooting the video, the incident happened. He tried to warn his mother inside the room and the valuables around him. His mother started shouting from the window for help, and the helpful neighbours gathered to help them in no time. So please stop making fun and learn something from it. He just shared the video in the police station, and some cop shared it to raise awareness,” she wrote. How did other netizens react to this video?”This is shocking,” posted an Instagram user. “Which brand’s battery was this?” asked another. “You should cut the main electricity power first,” suggested a third. “New fear successfully unlocked,” wrote a fourth.

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