
Reddit user gets slammed for saying ‘I hate people born in rich families’ | Trending

Aug 30, 2024 07:03 AM “Why did I have to be born to my poor parents?” a Reddit user shared while posting about how he hates people born into rich families. A post a Reddit user ranting about his parents and life has gone viral. In the share, the man wrote that he hates “rich families”, adding, “Why did I have to be born to my poor parents.” He also shared a bit about his father’s job and plans for the future. A Reddit post a user ranting about being “poor” and “hating rich families” has captured people’s attention. (Unsplashh/Brett Jordan) “I hate people born in rich families,” the Reddit user wrote. In the following line, the person added context to the comment. “Everyday I wake up and see my dad dress up in shirt pants to be a driver for some rich man. That man has a son around my age who goes to the top international school in my city. It pisses me off that here I am struggling to buy a second hand Samsung phone and that guy is enjoying life going to parties. All because he was born to a rich dad. Why did I have to be born to my poor parents? Is it wrong for me to hate that guy? I am preparing for JEE like crazy everyday and that guy will probably go to America for college without any hard work. I hate my life,” reads the rest of the post. Take a look at the entire post here: Since being shared, the post has gone viral, with over 1,200 upvotes. Many suggested that the man change his thinking for a better and happier life. What did Reddit users say about this post?“Everyday a young boy wakes and sees your dad dressing up. This boy is an orphan, he works at a tea stall, does the dishes and gets beaten for small makes. He hates you for being richer,” posted a Reddit user. “Wrong attitude bro, you’ll just end up bitter in life,” suggested another. A third echoed the same sentiment and commented, “Hating other people will get you nowhere, you should instead try to strengthen your resolve to do better so that one day you can greet his kid as an equal.” A fourth wrote, “Comparison is a thief of joy. That person might be rich for you. You are rich for the child of the seasonal labourer who gets paid 400 rs a day. He might not get a chance to complete class 9. If you think I am exaggerating, welcome to the lives of the bottom 40%. You are pretty privileged because you know that you have to appear in JEE to get into IIT. For most 40% kid, the 500 rupees they have to pay for school is the most their parents can afford. Tldr: Stop blaming and crying for what you can not control. You can speak English, and it opens a whole wide world of opportunities. Accepting the fact that you are not at the bottom will help you a long way. Now, back to study. JEE aspirants don’t lurk on Reddit.” What are your thoughts on this person’s post? News / Trending / Reddit user gets slammed for saying ‘I hate people born in rich families’, ranting about being born to ‘poor parents’

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