
Boss launches rant after 3 employees resign for ‘better opportunities’: ‘This is outrageous’ | Trending

Oct 09, 2024 09:22 AM A Threads post about a boss launching a rant after receiving resignations from three employees has prompted people to share stories of toxic workplaces. Bosses often take employee resignations personally, which is reflected in how they interact with the workers after they put down their papers. One such example was shared on Threads, and the post has sparked a discussion about toxic managers and workplaces. A Threads post documents how a boss launched a rant after learning that three employees had given their notice and resigned. (Unsplash/jannerboy62, julienlphoto) “Nothing says you have to give notice. He must not understand that,” reads the caption posted along with a screenshot. It shows a message from the boss aimed at the three employees who resigned. The boss goes on to call their resignations “outrageous,” claiming that the company pays “fair wages.” He also accuses the workers of being “selfish”, Take a look at the entire post here: People share stories of toxic workplaces:The post prompted many to share their experiences with difficult bosses or managers. An individual posted, “I gave a month’s notice to my boss in Florida and she told me I couldn’t leave until they found my replacement. She was then out for two weeks. I had to go to my GM to tell him I’m leaving on the day I said, and he agreed.” Another added, “People don’t quit jobs, they quit bosses. This man doesn’t see he is the problem. I quit my last job with a week and a half notice, they told me I could just make that my last day- so I did. They aren’t going to back you, and you don’t have to back them.” A third joined, “I was laid off from my first job and gave two weeks’ notice at my third, but my boss was abusive both financially and emotionally at my second job, so I found my third and quit without notice. An example of the abuse I faced: I was on leave for severe uterine fibroids, causing anaemia. They forced me to go to training and then expected me to rearrange some furniture. I was too weak and asked to go home, and they threw a HUGE fit before I could leave.” A fourth wrote, “When I retired, my big pharma company couldn’t figure out to whom I should turn my laptop. Eventually, a few weeks after I had left, they said they’d send me a box to ship it back in. Never came. I couldn’t keep it because it had proprietary info on it. Two months later, I brought it to a luncheon they threw for me at a restaurant and handed it to my former boss. Now, it became his problem.” What are your thoughts on this boss’ rant about the employees resigning? Get Latest Updates on… See more News / Trending / Boss launches rant after 3 employees resign for ‘better opportunities’: ‘This is outrageous’

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