
You’re a maths whiz if you can crack this mind-boggling teaser that has everyone scratching their heads | Trending

If you’re a fan of perplexing maths riddles, this brain teaser is bound to stretch your problem-solving skills to their limits. Posted user @brain_teaser_1 on X, the puzzle has quickly gone viral, inviting both curiosity and frustration from the online community. Unlike standard arithmetic problems, this teaser plays with numbers in an unconventional way, encouraging users to think beyond basic calculations. A viral maths teaser challenged users online, leaving many puzzled and eager to find the solution. (X/ @brain_teaser_1) An unexpected challenge for even the sharpest mindsWhile the puzzle starts with familiar maths operations, the results on the right-hand side deviate from conventional rules. The left column shows numbers (4, 5, 6, and 8) that appear to be squared, but the answers are not the expected square values. Instead, a hidden logic manipulates the digits in an unusual manner, challenging participants to decode a secret rule that underpins each equation. (Also read: Only the quickest minds can work out the total number of children in this puzzle in under 15 seconds) Take a look at the brain teaser here: Brain teasers like these are a popular way to engage one’s mind and exercise cognitive skills, and this particular one has managed to attract over 500 comments, with fans trying to unearth the riddle’s hidden logic. Many users have offered guesses, theories, and interpretations, yet the pattern remains elusive. Online reactions to the teaserOne user commented, “I’ve tried every pattern I know, but I can’t make sense of this. It’s infuriatingly brilliant!” Another chimed in, “I think this might just be impossible. Or maybe I’m missing something obvious.” A third comment reads, “Reminds me of the classic riddles we used to do in school—so frustrating yet addictive!” Others approached it with more optimism. “I’ll crack this if it’s the last thing I do today,” one user wrote confidently. Meanwhile, another remarked, “It’s like one of those puzzles where the answer is so simple you feel silly for missing it.” Yet another commenter humorously noted, “This puzzle has me rethinking my whole maths education!” (Also read: Brain teaser: You’re a genius if you can solve this maths riddle in 15 seconds) The riddle is not the only maths puzzle to capture the internet’s attention recently. A previous post that read, “Solve this: 1+4=5, 2+5=12, 3+6=21, 5+8=? 97% will fail to solve this test,” also ignited a wave of discussions. Check out the post here: For those who consider themselves maths geniuses, these riddles might just be the ultimate test. Try them!

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