
Bengaluru CEO trolled for saying dating as a founder is tough: ‘I somehow end up…’ | Trending

A Bengaluru-based CEO, recently shared a insight into the challenges of dating as an entrepreneur, and the post quickly made waves across internet. On his LinkedIn account, Divyanshu Shekhar shared a post, admitting, “Dating as a founder is tough. I go in hoping to talk about feelings… and somehow end up pitching my business plan. Is it even a real date if I didn’t try to explain my ‘vision’?” Bengaluru CEO Divyanshu Shekhar’s dating woes sparked online debates.(LinkedIn/Divyanshu Shekhar) (Also read: Bengaluru founder, trolled over post on flooding and Kannada, hits back: ‘I’m not going anywhere’) Check out his post here: While meant as a humorous take, his reflection seems to have struck a relatable chord, prompting online debate about the struggles of balancing personal and professional lives, especially for those building their own companies. Reddit takes noticeThe post did not stay confined to LinkedIn. A Reddit user, @algolian_suntiger, shared a screenshot of Shekhar’s post on the platform, captioned, “What’s a real date?” This quickly sparked a wide-ranging discussion, with users sharing their own humorous—and sometimes biting—thoughts on the dating lives of founders. Take a look here at the post: Within hours, the post had attracted many comments, with responses ranging from empathetic to outright sceptical. It seems CEO’s musings offered a chance for Reddit users to vent about their own experiences or perceived notions of entrepreneurial dating. Social media reactsMany users chimed in with comments that highlighted both the humour and struggles of dating as an entrepreneur. One user remarked, “It’s tough when you’re a founder with a company that employs 1,” . Another quipped, “Oh look, another insufferable twat who cannot hold himself back from broadcasting the fact that he’s an insufferable twat,” not holding back on their scepticism of Shekhar’s approach. (Also read: Bengaluru CEO doubles down on ‘Brahmin genes’ stance with car stickers) For some, CEO’s post highlighted cultural expectations, with one saying, “Ya desis don’t talk about feelings, every marriage is done for business—we know already.” Others empathised with the general challenges of modern dating, with one noting, “Dating is tough, period. I’ve seen what you single folks are dealing with; I’ll stick to being a crazy cat-lady.” Is there truth in the humour?Not all responses were purely satirical. A few users found relatability in Shekhar’s post. “I somehow agree with him,” one user wrote, acknowledging the crossover between passion for work and relationships. Another added, “Well… he’s right in a way. When you start asking questions like ‘what do you do?’, founders will inevitably talk about their businesses. At least he’s self-aware.”

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