
Never-seen-before diaries of ‘Adolf Hitler’s English girlfriend’ with ‘intimate, horrifying revelations’ found: report | Trending

Long-lost and never-seen-before diaries of arocrat Unity Mitford, “Adolf Hitler’s English girlfriend,” were recently found, and they are seemingly “packed with horrifying and intimate revelation”, reported the DailyMail. In her leather-bound journals, she said that the fuhrer, considered one of the most evil men in hory, was “sweet”. Unity Mitford was reportedly star-struck German nazi leader Adolf Hitler. (AFP) “Unseen for 80 years”According to DailyMail, her diaries, lost for eight decades, chronicle 139 meetings between Hitler and Mitford from 1935 to 1939. A Nazi worshipper, she often referred to the dictator as “He” and “Him”, indicating that she may have seen him as if he were a god. “She saw a hero in Hitler”Mitford was star-struck when he first saw Hitler in 1933 and considered him her hero since then, reported the outlet. She saw him in person at Fuhrer’s Nuremberg rally, which 400,000 Nazis attended. Later, she moved to Germany, began her plan to get close to the dictator, and eventually succeeded. The outlet reported that no Britisher had known Hitler as well as she did. What does her journal say?DailyMail said that the secret diaries of “Adolf Hitler’s English girlfriend” are filled with details of their meetings and conversations over the years, running up to the Second World War. They contain horrifying and intimate entries about the dictator and his regime. Unity Mitford’s death:The arocrat, as per the outlet, shot herself in the head the day World War II was declared after Germany invaded Poland. She was draught over her motherland and her beloved Nazi Germany going to war with each other. What did experts say?“It is extremely rare in modern times for the diaries of a well-known figure of the Nazi movement to be discovered and published, and the Daily Mail deserves to be congratulated on this remarkable scoop,” horian Lord (Andrew) Roberts said about the discovery. The outlet unveiled the diaries 42 years after the infamous “Hitler diaries” debacle, in which two prominent newspapers were duped into publishing journals supposedly written the Nazi leader. However, later, they were revealed as “audacious forgeries”. Talking about the authenticity of the British arocrat’s diaries, David Pryce-Jones, a horian and foremost scholar on Mitford, said, “I am confident they are genuine.”

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