Madhya Pradesh

Stop Digvijaya Singh from issuing anti-Hindu statements, AICC member writes to Sonia Gandhi

Bhopal : Member of All India Congress Committee (AICC) from Maharashtra, Vishwabandhu Rai has written a letter to AICC chief Sonia Gandhi, urging to stop Rajya Sabha member and former chief minister Digvijiaya Singh from issuing anti-Hindu statements.

“He (Digvijaya Singh) has been making Hindu voters angry by his statements. Still, the party has been giving him top posts in the organisation and also has been sending him to Rajya Sabha. His comments have alienated Hindu voters . This is the reason that Congress party has been losing elections from local bodies to Lok Sabha,” Rai said, in a statement issued to the media.

In his letter (Free Press has a copy) to Sonia Gandhi, he wrote, “For making a particular community happy, Digvijaya Singh has been hurting sentiments of majority people. The opposition has successfully managed to brand him as anti-Hindu. He must stop issuing anti-Hindu statements, so that the Congress party can regain belief of Hindus. If he is not stopped, the party will lose rest of Hindu voters. Party will also not survive.”

Rai also demanded inquiry into the role of Digvijaya Singh in downfall of Kamal Nath government in Madhya Pradesh. “There are several instances, where the role of Singh appears suspicious. His role in every event that caused damage to the party must be probed,” he said.

Talking to journalists, Madhya Pradesh home minister Narottam Mishra said it is not the first time that a Congress leader has raised questions on Digivijaya Singh. “Earlier, senior Congress leader Kamal Nath and Umang Singhar had also issued statements against him (Digvijaya Singh),” he said.

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