
Little boy brushes teeth with mom on video call. See viral tweet with pics | Trending

These pictures that were shared on Twitter show how a little boy brushes his teeth himself and keeps his mom on video call so he can show this to her.

When children do something all themselves, they pretty much always make it a point to show this to their parents. They do so because it is a matter of pride for them and they also want to make their parents happy. Just like this one boy who brushed his teeth all himself but wanted his mother to see it when she wasn’t at home.With a little bit of quick thinking, he knew that video calling her would help him show her that he can brush his teeth all himself. His mother eventually took to her Twitter handle in order to share a few screenshots from this video call where he not only brushed his teeth but also rinsed his mouth and smiled for her.The photos were posted on Instagram a user named Mel. She is based in Connecticut in the United States of America. The video was uploaded with a caption from the point of view of her son, that reads, “Mommy I’m gonna put you right here so you can see I did a good job.” The caption was complete with a heart and a crying face emoji.View the Twitter post right here:

The photos were posted on Twitter on March 25 and since then, have garnered several comments from people who couldn’t stop adoring this cute kid and his sweet relationship with his mother. They have also received more than 2.4 lakh likes so far. And the numbers only keep going up.Mel also followed up with a bit more information about her son in the replies to this tweet:
One thing about my ba he really loves self care & has a routine! Thinking about recording his routine cause it’s immaculate for a 4 year old— Mel (@xo_melss) March 26, 2022
“Here’s him trying to file his own nails,” she wrote. This is the video that shows him doing so, quite intently:

What are your thoughts on this sweet little boy?

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