
CBI to probe fund diversion IOA chief Narinder Batra

The CBI has initiated a preliminary enquiry against Narinder Batra, president of Indian Olympic Association and unknown officials of Hockey India for allegedly diverting funds to the tune of Rs 35 crore for personal purposes.
Sources said the PE has been initiated on a complaint received from the IOA itself. “It was alleged that funds of about Rs 35 lakh of Hockey India have been spent for personal benefit of Dr Batra,” a CBI official said.
The allegations of corruption against Batra are the latest in a series of issues that the IOA finds itself engulfed in.
Batra, who is the International Hockey Federation chief, is a former secretary general and president of Hockey India, and has headed the IOA since 2017.
The Olympic body’s elections were due last December but they could not be held as per schedule following a plea in the Delhi High Court, challenging its constituent. It is alleged that it is not in sync with the National Sports Code and the International Olympic Committee charter.
The Association’s top office bearers, including Batra and secretary-general Rajeev Mehta have been at loggerheads, resulting in an adminrative logjam.

On March 29, Honorary Treasurer of IOA Anandeshwar Pandey had written a letter to Batra alleging irregularities and seeking answers to expenditure on his office and the financial dealings of a company owned Batra with Hockey India.
“This is in follow up of my letter of yesterday regarding the expenditure incurred on your office. You are continuing to remain silent and not reply. The delay in accounts is only because you are not providing the information requested IOA. I have learnt that few days ago officers from CBI visited the IOA office and made enquiries about your office on the 2nd floor,” the letter has said. The letter says CBI had also met Batra earlier at Hockey India office.
” Is it correct that Hockey India has confirmed that it is Hockey India which has spent the funds on your office and not you personally as you have been claiming all along,” the letter has said.
Questioning the dealings of his company, the letter asked, “How did the name of your personal company Super Parts appear in the report of Internal Auditor V K Bajaj and company. Why was there a fake attempt to cover up the role of Hockey India creating a false loan liability in favor of Super Parts Private limited. Why was a financial loss being created for IOA. Only to cover up the misuse of funds Hockey India,” the letter has said.

It goes on to request Batra to ask Hockey India to provide the same information to IOA as they have done to CBI.

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