
‘Why don’t we learn about money in school?’: Robert Kiyosaki

An American businessman-author Robert Toru Kiyosaki once asked his father, “Why don’t we learn about money in school?” To this, his father replied, “Because the government doesn’t let us teach that subject, government tells us what we can teach and what we can’t.”
He continued sharing the difference between an entrepreneur and a government employee, as explained his father. “Entrepreneurs must know about money or they are no longer entrepreneurs and employee doesn’t have to know anything about money because the government will take care of him, the company will take care of him”. Then, he shared what he understood from his father’s explanation – “Entrepreneur work for free”.
After elucidating his experience in understanding money, he added, “School never teach you about money, school is designed to teach you to be an employee, but it’s important for a doctor or a lawyer, a special, but never about money. But, most people lack this knowledge. You got to know these things but they don’t teach in school to anybody”.
According to him, “Most teachers in school, they are out of ethics, they teach subjects thqt they themselves don’t practice”.
He suggested, “You got to find the real teacher first instead of a fake teacher. A fake teacher is somebody who doesn’t do what they teach and a real teacher is doing what they teach everybody.”
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