
Industry body proposes plan to accelerate hydrogen commercialisation in India

The India Hydrogen Alliance (IH2A) on Thursday proposed a plan to develop first-generation green hydrogen projects and accelerate hydrogen commercialisation over the next three years, according to a statement released today. The 25/25 National Green Hydrogen Hub Development Plan proposes establishing 25 National Green Hydrogen Projects and five national H2 hubs with public financial support of $360 million by 2025. “IH2A’s 25/25 National Green Hydrogen Hub Development Plan focuses on creating scalable green hydrogen projects and hubs that can grow to gigawatt-scale projects in three years,” the statement said. An industry-led coalition by global industrial and energy majors, IH2A’s plan recommended building at least 25 scalable hydrogen projects by 2025, including 12 industrial decarbonisation projects, three heavy-duty transport projects, three H2 blending in city gas distribution (CGD) projects and seven distributed waste-to-H2 municipal projects. Multi-sectoral demand for green hydrogen can be produced at the five National Green Hubs, clustering the 25 projects, in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh, according to the plan. The plan further recommended formulating Green Hydrogen Project Development Consortia by industry experts and preparing state green hydrogen policies along with the state governments. “The 25/25 plan addresses immediate project development priorities by providing a pathway to first 150 MW that will help India learn, improve, collaborate and build scalable GW-scale green hydrogen projects in the 2025-30 period. It benefits the government and industry decision-makers so that they can commercialise green hydrogen in a focussed, cost-effective manner,” said the senior managing director of FTI Consulting, Amrit Singh Deo.

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