
Adorable cats trying to scare each other will make you say aww. Watch | Trending

Cats are known to be mischievous pets. In fact, one can even say that they are always up to something or the other. There are many videos of them doing various things, just like this recent cat video showing two cats trying to scare each other.In the video shared Instagram user @softcatmemes and originally posted on TikTok, you can see two cats playing with each other. As per the video, the two cats are trying to scare each other. So one of the cats enters the room and hides behind the door. When the second cat comes in, it tries to find its friend but seems confused. Then, when the kitty looks behind the door, the other cat successful scares it.Take a look at the video below:

Since this video was shared, it has been liked more than one lakh times and has several comments. Many people thought that this is an adorable video. One person in the comments wrote, “That’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.” A second person said, “I love when my cats do this, wrestle and make sounds like they’re dying, then cuddle each other for hours.” A third person wrote, “My cat loves to do this every damn day with his sers lol.”

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