
Adorable dog gets excited to see its own reflection in the mirror. Watch | Trending

There are many moments in pet owners’ life when they are excited and happy to make memories with their furry friends. Even the smallest of the things that their pets do, the owners make sure to record them. And one such adorable moment was caught a person whose dog got excited to see themselves in the mirror. In the short clip uploaded the Instagram page @weratedogs and originally uploaded @thisisjaxxy, you can see a dog standing in a room. As a woman turns the camera towards the dog, it gets excited to see its own reflection and starts jumping and wagging its tale in excitement.The post’s caption read, “This is Jax. He has mastered the art of radical self-love. 14/10″Take a look at the video here:

Since this video was shared, it has been liked 59,000 times and has several comments. Many people thought that this video is cute, “Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the goodest boy of all?” A second person said, “He found the greatest love of all inside of him.” “This is the attitude we all need looking in the mirror every morning!” said a third. A fourth user added, “Well, that’s completely understandable. Look at him!”

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