
Adorable video shows group of elephants enjoying water from artificial waterhole | Trending

Social media users are incredibly delighted a cute video of two elephants playing in the water. The infant elephants can be seen playing together in the clip, which IFS officer Parveen Kaswan uploaded on Twitter. The video features four elephants, out of which two are ba elephants. In the beginning of the video, all four seem to have the water calmly. In the middle of the video, the two ba elephants play in the water with their trunk. Towards the end of the video, all the elephants leave except for the youngest one.This video was shared IFS officer Parveen Kaswan one day back. The post’s caption read, “A good morning from elephant country. Family enjoying an artificial waterhole created us.”Take a look at the video below:

Since this video was shared, it has been viewed 12,000 times, has 1180 likes and several comments.One person in the Twitter comments wrote, “So nice to see elephants free and happy in wild.” A second person added, “Kudos, sir, please keep going with this mentality and inspiring us.” “Artificial caves, water cascades, high platforms for various animals to climb and look around etc, etc should also be made inside sanctuaries,” said a third person. A fourth user added, “Thank you so much, sir. God bless you all.”

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