
Afghanan vs Bangladesh Live Score, T20 World Cup 2024: Semi spot on the line as AFG take on BAN in must-win encounter | Cricket News

After horic win over Aussies, Rashid sends home a message: ‘Roll up your sleeves… celebrate, dance’
(Clockwise from left): Afghanan cricket fans celebrate in large numbers in Khost province (ACB | X)/ Afghanan players celebrate after their win against Australia. (AP)
MOMENTS AFTER Afghanan’s horic 21-run win over Australia in the Super 8 game of the T20 World Cup at Kingstown, a video cropped up on the team’s social media account that conveyed what the conquest meant for the nation that has horically seen many invasions.
The clip had captain Rashid Khan, 25, and Man of the Match Gulbadin Naib, 33, passionately belting out a Pashto verse. There were no subtitles. Maybe, there was no need as this was the team’s two old hands talking directly to the fans back home.

Kandahar-born Delhi University PhD student and cricket fan Nazamudin Asar, after sharing his excitement over his team’s chances of making it to the semifinal from a group that has India and Australia, translated the verse. “’Roll up your sleeves, come celebrate and dance. Poor people like us rarely get the chance to enjoy as happiness belongs to those who are strong and rich…’ That’s what they were singing, that’s exactly what Afghanan feels today,” Asar said, before adding a typical self-deprecating Afghan touch. “Everyone is on the streets. Last time this happened was when there was an earthquake.” (READ MORE)

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