
AI pics show GOT characters dressed ‘Indian designer’ | Trending

The images generated using artificial intelligence (AI) are becoming more and more impressive. In fact, many arts are sharing incredible creations using AI. One of the people who is pushing its limits is Jyo John Mulloor, an AI enthusiast. He regularly shares pictures created using the technology that leave people stunned. His latest Instagram share shows how the characters from the series Game of Thrones (GOT) would look if they were dressed an ‘Indian costume designer’.

The AI generated images show how GOT characters would look if they were dressed an ‘Indian costume designer’.(Instagram/@jyo_john_mulloor)

“If George R. R. Martin has hired an Indian costume designer for Game of Thrones,” the art wrote as he shared the incredible images. He also added that he created the pictures using the application Midjourney.
The first image in the series shows the character Tyrion Lanner dressed in a red and yellow attire. The next picture is of Daenerys Targaryen donning a yellow and blue attire. The rest of the photos show several other characters, including Jon Snow.
Also Read: Barack Obama and Angela Merkel enjoy day at beach in AI-generated pics
Take a look at the post that may stun you:

The post was shared about 19 hours ago. Since being posted, the share has accumulated close to 17,000 likes and the numbers are increasing. The share has also received several comments from people.Here’s how Instagram users reacted:“Nice work,” commented an Instagram user. “That’s amazing,” posted another. “Spectacular,” expressed a third. “Love this,” shared a fourth. “Wonderful,” wrote a fifth. Many shared their reactions through fire emoticons.What are your thoughts on the AI generated images of GOT characters? Which among them you like the most?Also Read: AI generated pics of ‘Old Delhi at night’ will send shivers down your spine

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