
Train passes through snow-clad Jammu and Kashmir valley. Watch mesmerising view | Trending

A lot has been said about the incredible beauty of Jammu and Kashmir. The place becomes even more beautiful in winters when the region gets covered in the prine white sheet of snow. Expectedly, many are taking to social media to give a glimpse of such wonderful scenarios. One such post was recently shared on the official Twitter handle of the Minry of Railways. They posted a video that shows a train passing through a snow-laden valley of the region.“A picturesque view of a train pulling through the snow laden valley from Banihal to Badgam, Jammu & Kashmir,” the railway minry posted while sharing the video. The clip opens to show a train standing on a platform. As the video progresses, the train passes through mesmerising surroundings.Take a look at the amazing video:

The video was posted a day ago. Since being shared, the clip has accumulated close to 1.2 lakh views and the numbers are only increasing. Furthermore, the video has received nearly 5,100 likes. People re-posted the video nearly 1,000 times too. Many took to the video’s comments section to share their reactions.Here’s what people wrote while reacting to the video:“What a view,” wrote a Twitter user. “Wow it’s tooo cold,” posted another. “Wow. Very beautiful,” shared a third along with a heart emoticon. “Beautiful,” expressed a fourth. What are your thoughts on the video?

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