
Anand Mahindra shares a powerful message after being fooled this viral video | Trending

Anand Mahindra, chairperson of Mahindra and Mahindra, keep his Twitter followers motivated posting inspiring and thought-provoking messages every Monday. And his recent share was no different. The billionaire businessman took to Twitter to share an insightful post after being ‘fooled’ a video that has been doing the rounds on social media all week and deceiving netizens. The video initially suggests that an aircraft is about to crash, but a few seconds later, the very same aircraft turns out to be a toy plane. Its striking similarity to the real one fooled almost everyone who watched it.”This fooled me till the very end. The moral? We make our problems & fears larger than they really are. The solutions are always within our grasp. Don’t make your week appear more worrisome than it needs to be. #MondayMotivation,” wrote Anand Mahindra while sharing the video on Twitter.Take a look at Anand Mahindra’s Twitter post below:
This fooled me till the very end. The moral? We make our problems & fears larger than they really are. The solutions are always within our grasp. Don’t make your week appear more worrisome than it needs to me. #MondayMotivation. pic.twitter.com/Ex6jGQg4fa— anand mahindra (@anandmahindra) December 12, 2022
The tweet was made Anand Mahindra a few hours ago. It has since managed to accumulate more than 3.6 lakh views and over 18,400 likes. The share has also received a flurry of comments and several retweets.”True. Zoom factor can be directly proportional to an individual’s negative perception, confidence and some prejudices too,” commented an individual. “Sir your interpretation of videos you post are so motivating and encouraging,” posted another. “There is no illusion greater than fear,” shared a third.


Arfa Javaid is a journal working with the Hindustan Times’ Delhi team. She covers trending topics, human interest stories, and viral content online.
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