
Ba gorilla jumps in the middle of a fight to protect mom | Trending

There are several videos that show the behaviour of animals. From how they hunt their prey to how they live together as a family, such videos often go viral. Now, another animal-related video is going viral on social media. It shows a ba gorilla jumping in to protect his mother during a fight.

The image shows ba gorilla with his mother.(Reddit/@Ainsley-Sors)

“Tiny ba Gorilla jumps right in the middle of a fight to protect his mom,” wrote user Ainsley-Sors on Reddit as they shared the video. In the clip, you can see two gorillas getting into a fight. Once the ba notices the fight, he jumps in to stop it.This post was shared just a few days ago. It was originally shared the YouTube channel Gorrila D’ Jecco Family. This YouTube channel documents the life of animals in Taipei zoo. Since the video was shared on Reddit, it has been liked over 14,000 times. Many have also commented on the post.An individual wrote, “It’s a gorilla fight you would not want to be anywhere close to that I promise you.” A second added, “They ba mounted his mom and was like let’s get this fool.” “He wasn’t scared in the slightest. He had simply made his point and disengaged so as to not make it actually dangerous,” shared a third.

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