
‘Awesome’ Obama makes excellent Dal and Keema, finds Roti hard to cook

US President Barack Obama on Friday revealed he knows the recipe for cooking some Indian dishes. Speaking at an event in Delhi, Obama revealed that his Dal and Keema making skills are excellent. However, he finds Roti hard to cook. “I’m pretty sure I’m the first US president to have the dal recipe. My keema is also excellent, but my chicken is okay,” Obama said. On being asked about Chapati, he said, “Ah, no, making a chapati is too hard, says Obama on knowing how to make roti.” In some other highlights of his speech, Obama said he likes PM Narendra Modi. “I like him..I think he has a vision for the country… He is modernising elements of bureaucracy,” Obama said. He also praised ex-PM Manmohan Singh during the event. “Both of them (Modi and Obama) were sound leaders,” said Obama. “Dr Singh was the primary partner while we were working during the financial metldown. PM Modi was the primary partner during making of Paris accord,” he added.
“I was also great friends with Dr (Manmohan) Singh… when you look at the steps Dr Singh took to modernising the economy; it was the foundation for modernising Indian economy,” the former US President said at the Townhall. The former US President also revealed interesting details about mission to eliminate al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden. “We had no evidence that Pakistani government was aware of Osama bin Laden’s presence in Abbottabad. We obviously looked at it,” Obama said.
He also asserted that ‘some elements’ in Pakistan have been not been good partners with US. “Although Pakistan has been a partner in many ways, it’s also true there are elements that have not been good partners with us,” Obama said. He, however, refused to name the elements. He also spoke about the US’ resolve to dismantle terror in India “After 26/11, we (US) were as obsessed with dismantling the terror network as India… terrorism of any sort, directed at any country metastisises. It eventually affects everyone,” Obama said.

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