
Brain teaser: Only geniuses can solve this puzzle in 10 seconds | Trending

Brain teasers can keep our minds busy for hours. One may begin to solve a puzzle and it may leave them baffled in search of a solution. Now, one such maths-relates puzzle has gone viral on Instagram. Brain Teaser: Can you find the sum of these numbers?(Instagram/@mathequiz) The brain teaser was shared on Instagram the handle @mathequiz. The question states, “Only for genius: If 2+3=10, 8+4=96, 7+2=63, 6+5=66, then 9+3=?”The puzzle also has four options. One among them is correct. The four options are: “104,” 108,” “112,” 102.”This brain teaser was shared just three days ago. Since being posted, it has left many people searching for a solution. Many people took to the comments section of this brain teaser and unanimously wrote that 108 is the correct answer.What do you think is the correct answer? Were you able to solve this brain teaser?

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