
Brain teaser: ‘When converted to a Roman numeral, I become a common three-letter word’. Can you guess? | Trending

Do you feel bored lately and searching for something to spark your interest? No need to fret, we have just the thing for you. We have an incredibly fascinating brain teaser that’s guaranteed to keep you engaged not just for hours, but for days on end. This particular brain teaser, originally shared Maria Shriver on Instagram, has already captured the attention of countless people. Many people flocked to the comments section of the post to share their answers. Do you think you will be able to solve this puzzle? (Instagram/@Maria Shriver) The puzzle states, “I am a four-digit number, and when converted to a Roman numeral, I become a common three-letter word that means ‘blend.’ What number am I?” Hindustan Times – your fastest source for breaking news! Read now. Do you think you will be able to solve this puzzle? Take a look at this brain teaser here: This post was shared a while ago on social media. Since being posted, it has gained close to 3,000 likes. Many people flocked to the comments section of the post and shared their answers. Numerous people said that the solution is “MIX”. What do you think is the correct answer?Earlier, another brain teaser went viral on social media. The brain teaser reads, “A man left home running. He ran away and then turned left, ran the same dance, turned left again, ran the same dance, and turned left again. When he got home, there were two masked men. Who were they?” After this brain teaser was posted, it garnered more than 3,000 likes. Check out how Instagram users reacted to it: An individual wrote, “You have totally confused me on this one.” A second added, “Umpire and catcher. But the pitcher is also probably there.” “Catcher and umpire,” posted a third. News / Trending / Brain teaser: ‘When converted to a Roman numeral, I become a common three-letter word’. Can you guess?

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