
British angler catches massive 30 kg goldfish, netizens are stunned | Trending

Goldfishes are generally known to be small fishes. In fact, many people keep these fish as pets in fish bowls. While you may find them swimming around in that bowl on a table, have you ever encountered a giant goldfish weighing 30 kg? In a recent turn of events, a British angler caught a massive goldfish in France.According to the Daily Mail UK a man caught the world’s biggest goldfish at a fishery in France. The enormous orange specimen, nicknamed The Carrot, was 67 lbs. 4 oz. (30 kgs) in weight. The fish is a cross between the typically orange leather carp and the koi carp.The angler told the Daily Mail, “I always knew the Carrot was in there but never thought I would catch it. I knew it was a big fish when it took my bait and went off side to side and up and down with it. Then it came to the surface 30 or 40 yards out, and I saw that it was orange. It was brilliant to catch it, but it was also sheer luck.”The Facebook page of Bluewater lakes shared images of the angler with the fish. In the images, you can see that the goldfish seems to be bigger than the man’s torso. The post’s caption read, “CARROT weighing in @67.4lbs!! Well done, Andy, top dangling.”Take a look at the post here:

This post was shared on November 3rd. Since being shared, it has been liked 1200 times and has several comments.One person in the Facebook comments wrote, “Well done !!! Wow, that fish has come on in leaps and bounds since I caught it many years ago! It was a bit more orange than the picture, but nothing like it is now.” A second person said, “I have seen it jump a few times when I’ve been there but didn’t realise the size of it. That’s a stunner! Well done.” “What a gorgeous fish, amazing,” said a third.

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