
Cat ‘weirded out’ ba kicks while lying on pregnant woman | Trending

Pet parents often love recording and sharing videos of their cat babies on social media that leave people smiling, and this clip of a cat named Chase is one such example. The video posted on Instagram shows an adorable moment when Chase feels a ba kicking inside the belly of a pregnant woman. What is interesting to watch in the video is how the cat reacts. It won’t be wrong to say that the kitty is ‘weirded out’ each time he feels the kicks. The image shows a cat lying on the belly of a pregnant woman. (Instagram/@dontstopmeowing) The video was shared on an Instagram page called @dontstopmeowing. It is filled with videos of four cat siblings and their adventures with their pet parents. The video is shared with a sweet caption that reads, “This moment was so special to me.” The video opens to show a text insert that reads, “Chase’s first reaction to feeling the ba kicks.” It also captures the kitty lying on the pregnant woman’s belly. As the video progresses, the cat suddenly lifts its head with a baffled look on his face. Another text insert explains that the cat reacted after feeling the ba kicks. This goes on for a few more times, and the cat reacts the same way. Take a look at this adorable cat video: The post was shared about nine hours ago. Since being posted, the clip has accumulated close to 7.4 lakh views. The video has also received nearly 1.5 lakh likes. While some people expressed their joy after watching the video, others shared how the cat would be a good “sibling”. Some also reacted to the video using heart emoticons.What did Instagram users say about this cat video?“They know when a woman is pregnant. I swear they know,” posted an Instagram user. “Chase be like: ‘Who’s that? What? When? Who? Wait’,” shared another. “God damn it. I love this cat more than myself at this stage,” expressed a third.“OMG this is so beautiful. This connection will just grow stronger and you will see how tender and loving animals can be. Chase would be an excellent brother,” commented a fourth. “He senses what will be — ba and Chase have made a connection and are now bonded,” wrote a fifth.

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