
Can you find the cat hidden in this pile of logs? | Trending

Have you seen those pictures that show amazing camouflaging skills of cats? Those images usually capture some unassuming scene with a cat – or two – hidden in plain sight. Just like this image on Twitter. It shows logs stacked on top of one another. The challenge is to find the cat comfortably resting on top of one of the log piles.

Viral brain teaser: How quickly can you find the hidden cat? (Twitter/@WholesomeMeme)

The pic is posted on a Twitter profile called WholesomeMemes. A text overlay also appears on the image that reads, “Find the cat.”
Can you find the kitty quickly? Take a look at the post:

Here’s how Twitter users reacted:“That took a minute,” expressed a Twitter user. “Very Impressive, and once you see it, you can’t unsee it, Eh?” commented another. “This had me seeing pseudo cats freaking everywhere except where the real cat was,” posted a third. “Might be two cats cause I’m pretty sure that’s the tip of a tail,” shared a fourth. “I found the cat. It reminds me of my cat who frequently slept in odd places,” wrote a fifth.Did you manage to spot the cat or are you still trying to find the kitty? This reply a Twitter user on the comments section of the post can help.

The post was shared on June 2. Since being posted, it has received close to 7.5 lakh views and the numbers are only increasing. Additionally, the share has gathered more than 10,000 likes.

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