
Chennai PhD groom’s marriage demands from medico bride include ‘ideal BMI, a child, grace’ | Trending

A WhatsApp message showing a groom’s long l of demands from his prospective bride has gone viral on social media. The text shows how the groom wants a partner whose BMI is within 24, who can do all household work without any help, and who treats her job as optional. While some people have called out the man and questioned his mindset, a few have supported him, saying that he is clear about what he wants, and it should be respected. The image shows a groom’s requirements while looking for his prospective bride. (Unsplash/Vaibhav Nagare, X/Screengrab) “This is the exact L Of Requirements that a Groom sent to a prospective bride who is a Medico. Groom is a PhD and Gold Medall apparently. LOL,” singer Chinmayi Sripaada wrote in an X post. “About bride- should be graceful, competent and smart enough to handle her home and family matters. Should be vibrant and energetic to bring colour, variety and liveliness through her physical contribution in family’s lifestyle including food, clothing and lifestyle. Ideal if she is within 24 BMI,” reads the first few lines of the l. Take a look at the entire post here: With nearly 2.4 lakh views and close to 1,800 likes, the share has gone viral. People have posted various comments while showing their reactions to the post. How did X users react to this groom’s requirements?“BMI is also mentioned, interesting. I would really like to see this groom’s photo somehow and see where he stands,” wrote an X user. “They are entitled to have their preferences the way a bride’s family would be having (6 figure salary, stay separate from parents after marriage, etc),” shared another. A third commented, “Seems very unrealic and archaic. I don’t think any woman smart enough for his requirements would ever agree to this. Bro has to spend his life being single if he doesn’t change his mindset.” A fourth expressed, “I kind of appreciate him, as he is clear in his mind – what he wants. There are tons of girls who like to be in this role, non-ambitions, homely and taking care of home. As we shouldn’t judge independent women for their choice, we shouldn’t judge ones who choose to be homemakers. I appreciate this guy because he didn’t sugarcoat it – he didn’t marry a super ambitious girl and then try to change her.” A few expressed their doubt over the authenticity of the text. Just like this individual who shared, “2 minutes of silence for anyone that believes this really happened.” However, another defended the post and wrote, “It’s funny to see people in the comments saying this is fake because my parents have sent me at least a dozen highly educated morons over the years who have said the same kind of stuff to my face.” What are your thoughts on this post about a groom’s l of requirements for his prospective bride?

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