
Chips, momos, noodles and more: How your favourite snacks are mass-produced? | Trending

We all love munching on snack items like chips and revdis. But have you ever thought about how your beloved snacks make their way from the factory to the packet? Well, if you haven’t, we have handpicked five snack items to show the intricate processes within factories and shops that bring these flavours to life. Rusks (left) and momos (right) produced on a large scale. (Instagram/@foodie_incarnate and @shiv_yash_bhukkadofagra) 1- Love munching on chips? Check out how they are made inside a factoryChips are a popular snack that many enjoy with their favourite beverage or dip. But have you ever wondered how they are mass produced inside a factory? Well, to make chips, potatoes are cleaned thoroughly with water. They are then sliced in bulk machine, followed another thorough washing process. Once dried, they take a sizzling plunge into hot oil. Once fried to perfection, an array of spices are added for that irresible flavour. Wrap up the year gone & gear up for 2024 with HT! Click here 2- Enjoy indulging in momos? Watch how this snack is mass-producedMomos, whether you like them steamed or deep-fried, are a snack that people around the world love having. And if you are not familiar with the production process of momos on a large scale, don’t worry; you are about to. To make momos, vegetables are chopped with the help of a machine and mixed with salt to remove excess water. Then, the dough is kneaded mixing all-purpose flour and water to make the outer covering for the momos. Once the dough is ready, it is filled with the vegetable mixture and shaped to make the momos. Finally, they are steamed or deep-fried and are ready to serve. 3- Are you a fan of noodles? Here’s how they’re made in bulk.Have you ever considered the production of raw noodles, regardless of your preference for plain, Pad Thai, or any other noodle variety? First, all-purpose flour and water are mixed in a massive container to make a dough. It is then transferred into a machine where it is rolled into long sheets and cut into noodles. After this, the noodles undergo drying before being steamed to achieve the desired texture. 4- Are rusks your go-to favourite? Watch the process of making them from scratchMany people enjoy having rusks with some butter and a steaming cup of tea. But have you ever thought how they’re made? First, oil and salt are mixed in all-purpose flour and kneaded to make a dough. Once ready, small portions are cut from the dough and placed in trays. These trays are then placed in a large oven for baking. Once baked, the bread is sliced into equal pieces and subjected to two additional heating processes for the desired crispiness. 5- Do you enjoy revdis during winter? Check out how they are mass-producedRevdi, a favourite sweet crunch during colder months, has a lengthy creation process. To make revdis, sugar syrup is prepared. Once it reaches the desired consency, it is pulled and stretched. Portions of this pulled sugar are cut into flat round discs, combined with roasted sesame seeds, and then flattened with a small round plate. What is your go-to snack item?

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