
Couple’s romantic getaway turns wild as 9 wolves howl outside their glass cabin in viral video. Watch | Trending

A chilling video has gone viral online, capturing the remarkable sight of a pack of nine wolves howling near a couple’s glass-walled cabin in Quebec, Canada. Michee Jules, 34, and his wife Maya Jules, 33, had travelled to Quebec in February to celebrate Michee’s birthday, but their peaceful retreat took a surprising turn when the wolves gathered outside their secluded cabin. A couple in Canada celebrated a birthday, encountering nine howling wolves near their cabin.(X/@unlimited_ls) Howling celebrationThe couple, originally from New Jersey, were enjoying their time in the wilderness when they encountered the wolves. Although they had been warned about the presence of wolves in the area, neither of them expected to see a pack of nine right outside their retreat. (Also read: 3 wolves launch an attack on 37-year-old woman staying in zoo’s safari-style lodge) Michee, a professional photographer, described the experience as “joyful” when speaking to the New York Post. “It was a joyful experience to witness these animals up close,” Michee said. “I have a deep love for animals, and my passion lies in capturing moments of them interacting in their natural environment.” Watch the clip here: Frequent wolf encountersDuring their week-long stay, the couple reported seeing the wolves daily. Michee shared his astonishment at how close the animals came to their cabin. “I couldn’t believe we were lucky enough to see the wolves so close up and so often,” he told the media. (Also read: ‘Scary’: Couple on bike experiences a hair-raising encounter as they come face-to-face with a lion. Watch) Despite the wild nature of the wolves, Michee revealed that he wasn’t frightened their presence. “When I opened the door to the wolves, I was very surprised their calm reaction. I still kept my dance, but I wasn’t bothered nor did I feel threatened,” he said. For Michee, the encounter was so extraordinary that he would gladly return to Canada. “I’d definitely go back to Canada again just for this experience alone,” he added. Canada’s wolf populationCanada is home to one of the largest wolf populations in the world, second only to Russia. According to the International Fund for Animal Welfare, the country boasts over 50,000 grey wolves. Several species of wolves occupy approximately 90 per cent of their horic range within Canada, making the country a haven for these majestic predators.

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