
World Hypertension Day 2022: Five restorative yoga poses for high blood pressure

An estimated 26 per cent of the world’s population or roughly 972 million people have hypertension; and this number is set to increase to 29 per cent 2025, according to National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI).
Hypertension is essentially high blood pressure, and those who suffer from it may not exhibit any symptoms initially as it develops over the course of many years. This lack of symptoms makes it undetectable in time to prevent it or take remedial action, experts say.

“Holic practices like yoga, meditation, and mindfulness, help handle stress in a productive and effective manner. Devote your efforts to a regular practice of yogic techniques like asanas, pranayama, and meditation practice that will guarantee your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being,” said Grand Master Akshar, a yoga master.
This World Hypertension Day 2022, here are some yoga postures to help you control blood pressure. You must hold each pose for 30 seconds and repeat for 3 sets.

Veera Bhadrasana- Warrior Pose
Formation of the posture
*Begin in Downward Dog /Adhomukhi Swanasana.*Step in with either leg and place one foot between your palms*Now, drop your other heel down to the side.*The back leg must be straight and the foot completely flat on the mat*The foot in between your palms must be aligned at a 90-degree angle*Stretch out your hands upwards and join your palms*Look up, dributing your weight on both feet equally
Padmasana – Lotus Pose
Formation of the posture

*Sit with your legs crossed in Sukhasana*From here, change to Half Lotus or Ardha Padmasana – bring your right foot on your left thigh and in the same way put your left foot on your right thigh*Try to bring your feet closer to the groin*Gently push your knees towards the floor*You can keep your palms on your knees, facing up*Repeat with the other leg
Hindolasana – Cradle Pose
Formation of the posture
*Sit in Sukhasana or cross legged.*Grab the outside of your right foot and bring it into the crux of the left elbow.*Wrap your right arm around the outside of your right knee.*Cradling your leg and rocking it side to side, create a stretch in your right hip and IT band, along the side of your leg.*As you inhale, grow long through your spine and roll your shoulders back. Take 8-10 breaths then switch sides.
Malasana variation – Waste Evacuation Pose
*Bend the knees and lower your pelvis toward the floor to come into a squat.*Keep your spine straight, your pelvis toward the floor, and your shoulders relaxed away from your ears.*Keep your feet parallel and lift your heels up*Straighten arms and place them on your knees

Urdhva Mukhi Marjari Asana
*Come down on your knees, with palms under shoulders and knees below the hips*Inhale, curve your spine to look up
Adho Mukhi Marjari Asana
*Exhale, curve your spine and bring your chin close to your chest as you look down*Focus your gaze towards your navel
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