
Can you solve this maths puzzle in 10 seconds? | Trending

There is a certain satisfaction that one gets after solving a puzzle, especially those that give a tough challenge. Probably that is the reason, the brain teaser posts that are shared on social media often leave people intrigued. Just like this post that challenges people to solve an equation depicted through sketches of flowers and leaves.

Can you solve this maths puzzle at one go?(Facebook/@Dudolf)

“Can You solve this?” the puzzle is posted with this simple question. Take a look at the post to see how long it takes you to solve it. Can you do it in 10 seconds?

The post was shared last year. Since being posted, it has received several likes and comments. Many netizens also shared the post across other social media platforms.Here’s how Facebook users reacted:“I struggled with this way too much. But I eventually got the right answer. And I did it before coffee! Thanks for waking up my brain this morning!!!” joked a Facebook user. “I would never have enough coffee for this,” joined another. “Yeey!!!!!!!!!!! I was right,” added a third. “Tricky. Pay attention to details,” suggested a fourth. “It’s kinda early for maths, but I think I got it!!” wrote a fifth. Many wrote “32” as their answers in the comments section.Did you get the answer or are you scratching your head? Here’s an image that will help you know the answer of the puzzle.

Brain teaser to solve.

A few days ago, another maths puzzle went viral. Shared on Instagram, the puzzle challenged people to correct an incorrect equation just moving one stick. The puzzle video created quite a buzz among netizens.

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