
‘Dead’ ba found alive in coffin at her funeral, pronounced dead again in hospital | Trending

In a heartbreaking incident, a toddler was found alive at her own funeral but later pronounced dead for the second time at the hospital. The incident took place in Brazil. Struck with double heartbreak, 8-month-old Kiara Crislayne de Moura dos Santos’s family is left devastated. The image shows the devastated father of the ba, who was pronounced dead after being found alive at her own funeral. (Instagram/@dailymail, @luizbacci) “An eight-month-old girl was rushed to hospital from her own funeral after family noticed she was moving in her coffin,” Dailymail wrote as the outlet posted a video of ba Kiara. How was she found alive?During her funeral, the ba reportedly gripped the finger of a family member who was next to her coffin. Double heartbreakInstantly after this discovery, the funeral was halted, and she was rushed to the hospital, where, in her family’s dismay, she was pronounced dead for a second time,” reported the Sun. “We were devastated already. Then there came a little bit of hope, but then this ended up happening,” the heartbroken father, Criano Santos, told local media. Her family took her to the hospital after she contracted a viral infection. The first time, doctors pronounced her dead, citing she was not breathing and had no heartbeat. Once she was rushed back, the medical practitioners attempted to save her life. However, for a second time, she was again pronounced dead 24 hours after the initial pronouncement. Investigation launched:Correia Pinto City Hall, the area where the ba’s family resides, and the hospital have apologised to the family. The hospital is facing an investigation launched Brazil’s special Scientific Police. The medical centre has admitted to declaring her dead the first time and then pronouncing the same for a second time. In addition to apologising to the family, the Correia Pinto City Hall has promised to conduct a thorough investigation and complete it within 30 days.

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