
Did Elon Musk take a dig at Threads? See what he just tweeted | Trending

Ever since Elon Musk took over Twitter, it has undergone several changes. From making blue ticks paid to limiting the number of tweets a person can go through per day, several people are debating whether these changes are good or not. In the midst of this ongoing discussion, it is worth mentioning that Mark Zuckerberg has also entered the realm of microblogging with his own feature called Threads. Similar to Twitter, Threads aims to provide a platform for users to share their thoughts and engage in conversations. It seems like Elon Musk has taken a dig at social media site, Threads(AFP) As Threads is emerging as a significant rival to Twitter, it seems like Elon Musk has taken a dig at this new social media site. In a tweet shared Musk just a few minutes ago, he wrote, “Whatever sins this platform may have, being boring is not one of them.” Take a look at the tweet below: Since this post was shared, it has already been viewed more than one million times, and the numbers are only increasing. It has also been liked several people. Many even shared their reactions to his tweet in the comments section of the post.Check out what are people saying about this tweet here:An individual wrote, “Ain’t any social media as entertaining as Twitter.” A second added, “Got rid of almost every other social app since getting on here. Content is next level!” “It’s a lot like a chat, that’s open to the world, anyone can say something which is great,” expressed a third. A fourth commented, “Yes! Finally, Twitter is fulfilling its potential as a global marketplace for different ideas and opinions. The end of censorship has brought real excitement to the platform.”Last month, Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg had gone viral after Musk challenged Meta CEO to a ‘cage fight.’ It all started when Elon Musk tweeted that he would be up for a ‘cage fight’ with Mark Zuckerberg. Zuckerberg later replied to his tweet saying, “Send me the location.”

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