
‘Do not sacrifice your mental health for your job’: Woman slams toxic corporate culture | Trending

A woman took to Instagram to share a video about toxic corporate culture, claiming that her HR behaved rudely with her and made unpleasant comments when she asked for a transfer due to her mental health issues. Her post has gone viral and resonated with many, with most saying that HRs often do not help employees in Indian workspaces. Allegedly, the HR made snide remarks about a woman asking for a transfer due to mental health issues. (Unsplash/@Anthony Tran) “Please, please, I am begging you, do not sacrifice your mental health for your job. I just had a call with my HR, and I told her that I need my transfer approved,” the woman says in the video. She then adds how her HR spoke with her rudely when she said that she needed the transfer for her mental health issues, adding that she had already submitted doctor’s notes and other necessary documents. The employee claims that the HR responded saying that if she was not facing any physical issues, she should come to the office. Allegedly, the HR also suggested that if the employee was not, she should take leave. At this moment, a text insert also appears on the screen reading, “Clearly, this person has no knowledge about how mental health issues work.” “And this is the company that sends you mental health posters about talking to counsellors, taking a day off… And, this is how your employees talk,” she adds towards the end of her video. How did social media react?People had much to say about the video and didn’t hold back. An individual posted, “HR in India often lacks empathy in their communication, responding more like automated systems than actual people.” Another person commented, “I don’t understand why the HR role is even there in India… they absolutely are good for nothing.” A third expressed, “Physically come and mentally don’t come. HRs don’t have psychology classes in college?” A fourth wrote, “It is only on LinkedIn one gets to hear all the rosy stories of HRs and the provision they made to benefit the employee, the story is different in reality.” What are your thoughts on this video of an employee claiming that her HR behaved rudely when she asked for a transfer due to mental health issues?

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