
Dog wants to sit in pet parent’s seat, argues with him to make its case | Trending

Dog lovers know how pooches can be extremely vocal while arguing with their pet parents. A video shared on Reddit captures that side of a very cute dog. It shows the doggo arguing with its pet dad. The image shows a dog staring at the camera. (Reddit/@morganalefaye125) The video is shared with a caption that reads, “My Chair!” The clip opens to show a dog facing the camera. The dog is seen barking at its pet dad sitting on the sofa. The man is heard saying how it is his seat, but the dog keeps on arguing – as if insing that the seat belongs only to the pooch. Stay tuned with breaking news on HT Channel on Facebook. Join Now Take a look at this video of the arguing dog:https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingDerps/comments/18bku43/my_chair/ The video was posted some 14 hours ago. Since then, the clip has accumulated nearly 1,700 upvotes. The share has also prompted people to post varied comments. How did Reddit users react to this dog video:“My wife generally gets up a little earlier than me, and my dog likes to take her spot. When I get up she moves into where I was lying and she lies across the two spots. This morning my wife made me a cup of tea and brought it in, as I sat up to take it from her the dog shuffled into my spot that I hadn’t really yet vacated. She’s a menace,” shared a Reddit user. “He makes some good points,” added another. “We have a Dob in our pack too! It’s actually my boyfriend’s parents dog but we all live on the same property so he’s best buds with our youngest. They can be quite opinionated, can’t they? Theirs is a morkie but just as vocal as yours,” joined a third. “No, no, no…. Mine,” wrote a fourth imagining the dog’s thoughts.

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