
Elephant flings crocodile biting its tail. Watch | Trending

In a dramatic video that may make your jaws-drop , you can see an elephant swinging a crocodile who bit the jumbo’s tail. This video was shared on YouTube and has caught the attention of many. Snapshot of the elephant moments before swinging the crocodile in the air.(YouTube/@LatestSightings ) 53-year-old safari guide Emmanuel Sauti from Africa shared the video with the YouTube channel Latest Sightings. (Also Read: Elephant breaks vehicle of forest officials, then runs away. Watch) “As we were driving the Luangwa River, we saw a commotion transpiring in the water below. As the sighting started playing itself out, we were able to identify the culprits. An elephant and a crocodile! I couldn’t help but feel a mix of emotions. On one hand, I was a bit scared for the crocodile. I mean, have you seen how big elephants can get?!” Emmanuel Sauti said to Latest Sightings. He further added, “I was absolutely thrilled to witness something so rare. And boy, was it a sight to see! The elephant was putting up a good fight, and the crocodile wasn’t backing down either.” The clip shows an elephant walking in the river, and soon it is getting chased a crocodile. Then, when the crocodile bites the jumbo’s tail, it flings the reptile in the air. Watch the video of the elephant swinging crocodile biting its tail here: This post was shared a few months ago. Since being posted, it has been liked more than 6,500 times. Many even shared their reactions in the comments section of the post. (Also Read: Passengers’ close call with elephant caught on camera. Watch)Here’s what people are saying about this video:An individual wrote, “I don’t usually mind when I see nature taking its course, but when it comes to an elephant, I usually hope the elephants always win because they are so intelligent and beautiful.”A second shared, “That crocodile got lucky the elephant didn’t stomp him.””That elephant is actually huge, I thought it was small, but once it’s out of the water you can see how big it is,” expressed a third.A fourth commented, “I was worried for the elephant the whole time. It’s a relief the gentle giant is okay.”A fifth said, “Smart crocodile. He figured if he let it go before they got on the sand wouldn’t be a bad idea. It’s not everyone that can recognise right away how badly a big meal like that can ruin their day.”

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