
Employees ignoring 3-day-per-week office rule could be fired, warns Meta | Trending

Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta recently announced their 3-day-per-week working from office rule. The new work-from-office rule comes with a warning for the employees who fail to fulfil this new return-to-office mandate. Managers at Meta will review if the employees are meeting the new return-to-office mandate requirement (representational image). (Unsplash/@Dylan Gillis) Lori Goler, Meta’s head of human resources, issued an email informing employees that “beginning September 5, people assigned to an office will need to spend at least 3 days per week in person to foster healthy relationships and strong collaboration,” reports the New York Post. The publication further explained that the managers will review the attendance of the people monthly and then follow up with those who fail to meet the requirement. Anyone found violating the rule repeatedly will be subjected to “disciplinary action, up to and including a Performance@ rating drop and, ultimately, termination if not addressed”. The new directive is applied to employees who are assigned officer space. However, the “remote workers” are instructed not to visit the office more than “4 days every 2 months” and that too only then when they have a “clear business reason”. “We believe that dributed work will continue to be important in the future, particularly as our technology improves. In the near-term, our in-person focus is designed to support a strong, valuable experience for our people who have chosen to work from the office, and we’re being thoughtful and intentional about where we invest in remote work,” said a Meta spokesperson in a statement, reports the New York Post. The internal announcement came right after Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg was seen talking about the benefits of in-office work publicly, reports the Insider.

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