
Engineer dad shares ‘morbid’ reply about missing submersible Titan | Trending

Submersible Titan went missing on June 18 with five passengers aboard while on its way to the Titanic wreckage site. A massive search operation is underway to look for the vehicle that reportedly will run out of oxygen within the next few hours. While some are praying for the safe return of the passengers, there are others who are sharing their opinions about this harrowing situation. One such tweet about the thoughts of an engineer dad has gone viral. His ‘morbid’ tweet has prompted a flurry of responses with some saying he has given them something to ponder over. The engineer dad’s morbid reply about missing submersible Titan has prompted people to post various reactions. (Twitter/@TheKaitster, AP) Twitter user Kait Gardner shared the tweet explaining that she texted her dad about the ongoing Titan submersible situation and received a ‘morbid’ reply. “I texted my engineer Dad about the Titan and his reply is….morbid to say the least,” she tweeted. Take a look at the post to see what the dad replied: The post was shared on June 22. Since being posted, it has gone viral. Till now, it has received more than 3.9 million views and the numbers are only increasing. Additionally, the tweet has gathered tons of comments.Here’s how Twitter users reacted:“Having a sleepless night just thinking about the conversation they would have knowing they have little to no hope of rescue. Your dad’s analysis is spot on,” posted a Twitter user. “To be completely morbid: the oxygen will last the longest while all of them are alive. Once a body dies, the decay processes are going to quickly start using up the available O2 faster than a living person would,” added another. “There is little to no hope. It’s heartbreaking and horrifying,” shared another. “That went left quick!!!” wrote a fourth.

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