
Journalist busy celebrating his kid’s birthday fired from job as he was to cover Taimur’s birthday today

Taimur’s birthday celebrations started at the Pataudi Palace with Christmas theme. Taimur’s mother Kareena Kapoor and aunt Karisma Kapoor, both dressed in shades of green, posed in a selfie with a Christmas tree. Kareena and Saif left for Pataudi five days before Taimur’s first birthday and soon Karisma and party joined them. But this happy occasion turned out to be nightmare for one of the journalist. Yes, Sanil Jain lost his job as he was not present to cover the birthday celebrations. Though Sanil has covered each and every occasion related to Taimur very meticulously, this time he was busy celebrating the birthday of his own kid.

Taimur’s birthday celebration was an important piece of news for the news starving media houses after the Gujarat Election results. And same was the case with ‘ABC news’. Sanil has been constantly seen outside Saif-Kareena’s house to get exclusive pictures of Taimur since the chotte nawab’s birth. He was so busy covering the star kid that he had to miss most of his own family functions which included his wife’s birthday. But today he somehow took half days’s leave to be with his own son to celebrate his 2nd birthday. Most of his office colleagues thought that as usual he would be present at Saif’s house. It was only after Sanil posted the pics of his son’s birthday on Facebook , that his boss came to know about the reality.

Well the social media post din’t make it easier for Sanil as this was the proof enough to get him fired. His boss was so upset about the missed TRPs which is one of the highest when it comes to Taimur Ali Khan. Sanil was sent a relieving letter and asked not to report from tomorrow. Though Sanil did leave to cover the Taimur function as soon as he got the letter, it is to be seen whether or not he has done enough to retain his job.

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